Wall paintings


This wallpainting refers to wine one of identifiying aspects of Montilla. The grandfather and the granddaughter represent the pass from generation from generation. The background composed by vinyards and olive trees is magic. Other elements are the bunch of grapes which becomes in wine, the old earthenware jar, surrounded by the cellar’s flowers. Finally, a mystical background as the world of wine is.

Useful information

Address: Puerta de Aguilar junto a Corredera

Date: Julio 2017

Author: Gisel Rosso (Argentina)

Dale vida a tu escalera

This project commemorate the Environment’s International Day (5 of june). This street is frequently forwarded by San Francisco Solano school’s students, parents and grandparents who used to walk along a dark and damaged street. They were able to embellish and enrich a space daily frequented by the youngest people involving them on its completion. This great project is composed by two wall paintings: one vertical in both walls and another one on the stairway. This colorful cascade based on bright colours full of geometric forms and perspective; and also on cross stitch patterns. It is an uncommon wall painting which surprise to pedestrians due to the fact that you discovered it once you are downstairs. The vertical wall painting is composed by emblematic images and support and aware messages about the environment and its preservation. Around 100 students of the Francisco Solano School took part at its development.

Useful information

Address: Cuesta Pinillos

Date: Junio 2016

Author: José Manuel Carrasco Segura

Proceso mágico

Poster of the Harvest Festival (Fiesta de la Vendimia 2017), taken of the grape harvesters profession who worked all day long collecting grapes which have memories of harvesters, the groves full of sunsets, the birds flying over them,…Then it follows its path to be transformed in the wine we drink, which has its time, its tones and seduce us.


Address: Edificio CIE Montilla · Calle Palomares

Date: Julio 2017

Author: Gisel Rosso

Todos somos uno

We can observe the Inca sun in the middle of the painting, as a symbol of fusion between cultures, this is also represented by the emblem designed by the Inca Garcilaso composed by Spanish and pre-columbian emblems. At the same side where the pre-columbian emblem is located we find a jaguar and part of the Peruvian fauna, ending on the loom typical in that area

The Inca spent his childhood and adolescence in Peru learning about his country. His mother, Isabel Chimpu Ocllo, was once pursued along with her children and they ate corn given by the allied tribes

The corncob is also a symbol and the main food for pre-columbians. At the image, we can also see a girl who symbolizes nature, mother earth hurted by the damage caused at that moment when this encounter occurs; and also doing reference to what we currently do to nature.
You can also see a wind instrument, typical of the ancestral people, its sound produces a mysticism full of history. Beside the sun a native is reflecting, who is face to face with a Spanish soldier a soldier who is in a position of forgiveness. Spanish soldiers were thought to be Gods by the natives, due to the reflection of sun on their armours. Also when they saw a soldier riding a horse they thought he were a single person. In a side we can see a pen and some books, due to the fact that the Inca Garcilaso started his studies and his writings in Spain. Referring to Montilla we find a glass of wine.

We also observe a key since it is time to open that trunk that is closed the clock shows that it was time to dig up the stored secrets, not to judge or criticize, but to become aware, and stop making the eternal return. The Inca is signed his pride of being mestizo and at the pre-columbian side we can read ‘TODOS SOMOS UNO’ written in quechua. There are not different human races, we are all equals and it is necessary to understand that to have peace on the world and in our souls.

Useful information

Address: Bus stop close to Paseo de las Mercedes

Date: Julio 2017

Author: Gisel Rosso (Argentina)

Universo de los sentidos

It refers to the amount of feelings caused by wine. A drop of wine contains years of history (its seeds, the light it received), its texture depends on the care it received, its colour achieved by the selection. Its sound remains the Gods as Baco.

Useful information

Address: Centro de Interpretación Envidarte

Date: Junio 2016

Author: Gisel Rosso (Argentina)

Piedra Luenga hasta Montilla

An empty, lifeless space… that always goes unnoticed before the future of pedestrians, is now a reference space, photographed and contemplated by all. A horizontal wall painting made with stains with plastic water-based paints, where the compositional lines direct the view to the main part, “Piedra Luenga” and the representation of Montilla, which keeps this place, in the left corner. A unique landscape in the countryside surrounded by stone, grapes and olive trees.

What is there better than this image to be close to culture and youth, satisfying all who are interested in it?

Useful information

Address: Ronda de Curtidores (Centro Cultural Antonio Carpio)

Date: Marzo 2016

Author: José Manuel Carrasco Segura

El Coloquio de los perros

Work in homage to Cervantes and his work “El Coloquio de los perros”. The work is located in the 17th century, in the lodge of Leonor Rodríguez, with its medicinal herbs for which she was accused of being a sorceress and her sculpted nails, show us that it was ahead of its time. She serves them Montilla wine and collaborates in the inspiration of Inca Garcilaso and Cervantes. The “Cipion” and “Berganza” dogs appear in the work, and details such as the church where Inca Garcilaso helped a lot of people.

It is a work to learn and enjoy.

Useful information

Address: Calle Arcipreste Fernández Casado (Muro trasero Teatro Garnelo)

Date: 2019

Author: Gisel Rosso (Argentina)

Batalla de munda

This work tells the story of the decisive battle between Cayo Julio Cesar and Cneo Pompeyo and their children, on March 17, 45 BC, where Cesar risked his life and when he won, he became Emperor. The work has different plans, showing the background of vineyards where the battle took place. It has a famous phrase that Cesar said when drawing his sword and joining the Veterans’ Legion X, “Before I had always fought for victory, but today I do it for my life”.


Useful information

Address: Close to Rejoya Park

Date: 2019

Author: Gisel Rosso (Argentina)


Work located in the teachers house, it tells us about the woman and the connection with nature and the cosmos. True freedom draws scenes still unknown today since we are still learning what freedom is, freedom is acceptance and respect for other living beings. In turn, the plants that entangle the girl are medicinal plants, plants for which at the time of the inquisition they murdered many women for not understanding their great wisdom.


Useful information

Address: Avenida Boucau

Date: 2019

Author: Gisel Rosso (Argentina)

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